Tuesday, September 22, 2015


A month or so ago, while on pinterest, I saw the thankfulness tree links popping up, again, reminding me that fall was coming and that meant Thanksgiving.

I became inspired and jotted down a story idea, which sat around for the following month or so, before I really looked at it again. Then, the other night, as I lay in bed, unable to sleep, I remembered it, I pulled out pen and paper and prayed for inspiration. Setting tip to surface, I began to write. The gentle breathing of my sleeping children and quiet whirring of the ceiling fan, created a calm atmosphere that I could actually focus in. Before I fell asleep, I had a story.

The next morning I shared it with my oldest blessing, who really liked it. With a little feedback from her, the story took a slight shift and is now, once again, sitting tucked away waiting for me to have a moment of inspiration. I already planned to wait on publishing this one until next year, to give myself more time in publishing it. After all, I still need the artwork done. However, it feels good to complete a project and I look forward to when this one is done.

One more story, finding it's way from inside my imagination to the world around me.

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