It's funny how a late night stroll on the internet can lead to wonderful things. In my last post I talked about a desire to be productive, during my insomnia, but not knowing what to do. That night, I decided to check out Craigslist, and that is where I found it. A call for guest bloggers.
Throwing my inhibitions to the wind, I decided to go for it. And so here it is!
Choosing a Path: Homeschooling or Public School
Thanks to, Mom Among Chaos , for this exciting opportunity!
Friday, May 13, 2016
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Wasting Time
Surrounded by the gentle breathing of sleeping children, I sit. Wide
awake, with the desire to be productive, but not being quite sure what I
want to be productive doing.
I'm tired and really would like to go to sleep, yet, sleep evades me. It has been hard to capture lately, and quality has certainly been lacking, when I've caught it.
Our main computer has been moved to a location that I find rather unpleasant. If I wasn't so uncomfortable utilizing it, at this time, I'd be sharing a post all about our lambing season, with pictures and, potentially, a video or two. But it is cold, dark, and lonely and I really don't want to leave the comfort of my nice, warm, snuggle space.
All my crafting supplies is also down there, except my art supplies. However, the "guilt" over my unfinished illustration project has been discouraging my inspiration.
Although, story ideas are abundant in my mind. So much so, they are a bit daunting, so I haven't approached them, yet.
Instead, I'm writing a pointless blog and browsing facebook, out of boredom.
I'm tired and really would like to go to sleep, yet, sleep evades me. It has been hard to capture lately, and quality has certainly been lacking, when I've caught it.
Our main computer has been moved to a location that I find rather unpleasant. If I wasn't so uncomfortable utilizing it, at this time, I'd be sharing a post all about our lambing season, with pictures and, potentially, a video or two. But it is cold, dark, and lonely and I really don't want to leave the comfort of my nice, warm, snuggle space.
All my crafting supplies is also down there, except my art supplies. However, the "guilt" over my unfinished illustration project has been discouraging my inspiration.
Although, story ideas are abundant in my mind. So much so, they are a bit daunting, so I haven't approached them, yet.
Instead, I'm writing a pointless blog and browsing facebook, out of boredom.
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Bumps in the Road
Seems I've had a lot of them lately.
I honestly don't know when my next book will be out. I'm a bit discouraged, as I haven't been able to market, "I Should've Stayed in Bed", very much. Time keeps getting away from me, especially with this being a busy season on our farm. I haven't started the color phase for my one book and, sadly, I had to halt work on the other book I was focusing on.
I know I have great stories to share - partially because my kids love them - however, it is like being in labor and never knowing when the baby will finally crown.
I honestly don't know when my next book will be out. I'm a bit discouraged, as I haven't been able to market, "I Should've Stayed in Bed", very much. Time keeps getting away from me, especially with this being a busy season on our farm. I haven't started the color phase for my one book and, sadly, I had to halt work on the other book I was focusing on.
I know I have great stories to share - partially because my kids love them - however, it is like being in labor and never knowing when the baby will finally crown.
Saturday, April 9, 2016
Clearing Space
Illustration sketches are now loaded on to the computer, awaiting the day when I finally hook the projector to the computer and start the painting phase. I've asked myself, why the procrastination. Truth be told, there are many things taking me the slow route towards my destination. These blockades range from; dedicating time to work on that project, (not easy considering it is nearly 11:30, I just found time to type, and my baby has woken with cries of frustration that I am not with him.) finding the motivation in spite of my doubts, allowing it to come before the plethora of other things I could/should be doing, and just as importantly, clearing the space in which I am working in.
Tonight, I've started that process. I've had things piled up waiting to be logged and donated. I finally dealt with them tonight. Next will be the tidying, making it so I have an actual area to paint in.
However, for now, I should probably go tend to my little love bug. Good night.
Tonight, I've started that process. I've had things piled up waiting to be logged and donated. I finally dealt with them tonight. Next will be the tidying, making it so I have an actual area to paint in.
However, for now, I should probably go tend to my little love bug. Good night.
Saturday, March 26, 2016
One Step Closer
Well, I managed to get the projector down. I just haven't prioritized the next step, with everything else that has been going on here.
The lack of writing prioritization has been quite obvious with the absence of posts, here, on my blog, as well.
Lots of ideas swimming around in my head. Just need to make time to do something with them all.
The lack of writing prioritization has been quite obvious with the absence of posts, here, on my blog, as well.
Lots of ideas swimming around in my head. Just need to make time to do something with them all.
Sunday, March 20, 2016
My sketches are ready. The next step is getting the projector set up. It is currently attached to the ceiling of the boys' room. That means getting a ladder across the house, up the stairs, and across the house again. I have not made this a priority, yet.
However, I have plans for my 4th book already and am pretty excited about it.
However, I have plans for my 4th book already and am pretty excited about it.
Sunday, March 6, 2016
Two More to Go
I am just two sketches away from finishing step 2 of my illustration process! I'm very excited.
After doing some research, I plan to try photographing, then projecting, the sketches onto clean sheets that I can paint without all my messy pencil lines. Praying the digital projector we have can be used like that and isn't too complicated.
I'm excited to see the finished product. Hopefully, others will enjoy the book as much as I am enjoying making it a reality.
After doing some research, I plan to try photographing, then projecting, the sketches onto clean sheets that I can paint without all my messy pencil lines. Praying the digital projector we have can be used like that and isn't too complicated.
I'm excited to see the finished product. Hopefully, others will enjoy the book as much as I am enjoying making it a reality.
Monday, February 29, 2016
Personal Deadline
I didn't meet it, though today is not over and there is still time. However, whether or not I do end up meeting it, I have worked towards it and am so close.
I'm pretty pleased with myself, for getting as far as I have with these illustrations. I am pleased with my efforts to keep moving forward, in spite of my doubts and fears. This book will get done, just like the last one. It will get published and I will, again, be able to take a step back and be amazed that I actually did it. So, I keep striving towards that end goal. That goal of being able to say, I did something. It might not be something amazing or impressive, but it is something. It is an inspiration for my children to try, even if they may be afraid.
I'm pretty pleased with myself, for getting as far as I have with these illustrations. I am pleased with my efforts to keep moving forward, in spite of my doubts and fears. This book will get done, just like the last one. It will get published and I will, again, be able to take a step back and be amazed that I actually did it. So, I keep striving towards that end goal. That goal of being able to say, I did something. It might not be something amazing or impressive, but it is something. It is an inspiration for my children to try, even if they may be afraid.
Saturday, February 27, 2016
Another Step
Yesterday, I took another step out of my comfort zone. I called two of the local libraries to learn about adding my book to their selection. The directors were not in, when I called, so I left messages. I'm hoping to hear back on Monday. Depending on how that goes, I have at least 4 other libraries I plan to contact.
Honestly, it all scares me. I'm not a great self promoter. However, I've been finding strength, courage, and boldness, through my faith. I know the uncomfortable steps I make will be rewarded in the end.
Honestly, it all scares me. I'm not a great self promoter. However, I've been finding strength, courage, and boldness, through my faith. I know the uncomfortable steps I make will be rewarded in the end.
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Quick Update
So far, I have 8 illustrations ready for color. If I stick to my story board, I still have 13 left to prep. Four of those are already started. I'm feeling good about it. I know I will like it all when I'm done, especially if I don't worry about whether others will think they're good enough.
Monday, February 15, 2016
Coming Along
I've been able to get a few illustrations ready for the color phase, some that are part of the way done, and some still just a vision.
So far my girls have each contributed to one scene. Sadly, they've seemed to have lost interest in participating, so there may not be any other art from them.
I've gone back and forth with my feelings of apprehension. Some days I can believe my art is going to work for this book. Other days, I can't help but think it really isn't that good. Worse when some things might actually be good, but I think the other things aren't. However, I plug on telling myself that my art is unique and that is what will make it so special. It isn't cookie cutter. It's mine and that is a good thing.
I have given myself a deadline for having them ready for coloring, by Feb 29. I'm hoping this helps me to find the motivation to overcome my concerns and keep moving forward. It will be a HUGE accomplishment, if I actually make the deadline. That in itself is motivation.
I currently have no other writing projects I'm working on, aside from the one I have going with, illustrator, Haley Jula , which is currently in illustration phase. I haven't had updates on it, but I know she is working on it and it will be wonderful!
So far my girls have each contributed to one scene. Sadly, they've seemed to have lost interest in participating, so there may not be any other art from them.
I've gone back and forth with my feelings of apprehension. Some days I can believe my art is going to work for this book. Other days, I can't help but think it really isn't that good. Worse when some things might actually be good, but I think the other things aren't. However, I plug on telling myself that my art is unique and that is what will make it so special. It isn't cookie cutter. It's mine and that is a good thing.
I have given myself a deadline for having them ready for coloring, by Feb 29. I'm hoping this helps me to find the motivation to overcome my concerns and keep moving forward. It will be a HUGE accomplishment, if I actually make the deadline. That in itself is motivation.
I currently have no other writing projects I'm working on, aside from the one I have going with, illustrator, Haley Jula , which is currently in illustration phase. I haven't had updates on it, but I know she is working on it and it will be wonderful!
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Finally sent some picture inspiration to Haley Jula for our next joint venture. After looking over the story board and the pictures, she has a plan! If all goes well, we hope to publish that book between September and October.
I've also sketched out a few more backgrounds for the other story I'm working on. Of course, I still have more backgrounds to do, but I'm getting things done and that feels great! Hopefully this week my girls can start on their contributions.
I know my art isn't perfect and many times I have doubted my attempts, for fear that others won't like them. Yesterday, though, a question entered my heart that I do not ask myself enough. Do I like it? If the answer is yes, which it was, then I really should stop worrying. So, I am trying. Trying to remember that more than anyone else, I make these stories for my kids and the grandchildren I assume I'll have some day. The fact is, my kids like them and so do I and that really is good enough.
I've also sketched out a few more backgrounds for the other story I'm working on. Of course, I still have more backgrounds to do, but I'm getting things done and that feels great! Hopefully this week my girls can start on their contributions.
I know my art isn't perfect and many times I have doubted my attempts, for fear that others won't like them. Yesterday, though, a question entered my heart that I do not ask myself enough. Do I like it? If the answer is yes, which it was, then I really should stop worrying. So, I am trying. Trying to remember that more than anyone else, I make these stories for my kids and the grandchildren I assume I'll have some day. The fact is, my kids like them and so do I and that really is good enough.
Monday, January 25, 2016
Since my last post, I have been able to sketch out backgrounds for 7 scenes. I'm leaning towards painting them. I still have plenty of other scenes to sketch out, but I'm excited for what I've already done. Some are ready for my girls to add their touches too and then they should be on their way to being finished. I'm hoping for a March/April release date.
I'm also in the works, once again, with illustrator Haley Jula on a second book. I wrote this one over 5 years ago and look forward to seeing it completed. I'll update as we make progress.
I'm also in the works, once again, with illustrator Haley Jula on a second book. I wrote this one over 5 years ago and look forward to seeing it completed. I'll update as we make progress.
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
A New Year, A New Book
Last time I wrote, I said I had a book I was hoping to get going on. However, reality struck as I entered my 6th postpartum journey. Now that the new year is upon us, and with some prayer, I've decided to work on a different book. A story I wrote back in 2012 about my 4th blessing.
Yesterday, I revised it. I'm considering brushing it up a little more, but Blessing #2 said she liked the revision and felt it needed no changes. Time will tell.
I also made a mock up story board. It isn't very detailed. I don't need it to be, with the imagination I've been blessed with. It was mainly to see 1) How many pages I might have. 2) How I want the pictures and pages laid out. 3) To give me a bit more inspiration and motivation.
Today, I started my illustrating. I've only taken 1art class in the past couple of decades. It never dealt with drawing, that I can remember. So, I'm not the most confident artist. At the same time, I figure, maybe that is a good thing, not having preconceived ideas about how things "have" to be done. This will truly be my own inspired artwork. Currently, I'm sketching out backgrounds with a pencil. I'm not sure what medium; paint, colored pencil, pastels, etc.. I will use for coloring it all in. I also don't know how I will get it onto my computer, when I'm finished, to load it up for publishing. I'll cross that bridge when the time comes.
I have considered allowing my daughters to co-illustrate with me. For one thing, they are pretty good artists, even according to other people. They each have a unique style, compared to one another. They are also trying to figure out what they can do to earn money. Being the supportive mother that I am and believing that they have many wonderful talents that they can utilize right now to do so, I figured, why not. Hopefully, the end result will be their boosted confidence and courage to step forth and do what they love, because they already can.
Yesterday, I revised it. I'm considering brushing it up a little more, but Blessing #2 said she liked the revision and felt it needed no changes. Time will tell.
I also made a mock up story board. It isn't very detailed. I don't need it to be, with the imagination I've been blessed with. It was mainly to see 1) How many pages I might have. 2) How I want the pictures and pages laid out. 3) To give me a bit more inspiration and motivation.
Today, I started my illustrating. I've only taken 1art class in the past couple of decades. It never dealt with drawing, that I can remember. So, I'm not the most confident artist. At the same time, I figure, maybe that is a good thing, not having preconceived ideas about how things "have" to be done. This will truly be my own inspired artwork. Currently, I'm sketching out backgrounds with a pencil. I'm not sure what medium; paint, colored pencil, pastels, etc.. I will use for coloring it all in. I also don't know how I will get it onto my computer, when I'm finished, to load it up for publishing. I'll cross that bridge when the time comes.
I have considered allowing my daughters to co-illustrate with me. For one thing, they are pretty good artists, even according to other people. They each have a unique style, compared to one another. They are also trying to figure out what they can do to earn money. Being the supportive mother that I am and believing that they have many wonderful talents that they can utilize right now to do so, I figured, why not. Hopefully, the end result will be their boosted confidence and courage to step forth and do what they love, because they already can.
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